Terms of use

Last updated on Jun 2023

By accessing or using this website you entirely agree with the following terms and conditions, which may be modified periodically and posted on this website. The content available in this website is for informational purposes and free of any charge. From this website, you may not copy the content, except for your personal use, modify, reproduce, resell and republish, without a formal approval from SEAANT. Our intention is to provide right and relevant information to the users of this website.

However, we don't make any guarantee over the accuracy of the information, images, pictures, logos, documents, and names. Hence we will not be liable for any damage, without limitation, caused by the use of this website. Unless specifically stated, the information and other contents available in this website are property of SEAANT. The trademarks and logos used in this website are the properties of their respective owners. SEAANT attempts to provide relevant information to the users by providing links to other websites, where it does not have any control. Hence, we cannot guarantee the content, pictures and others available in those websites, which have links from SEAANT.com.

For more information about our privacy policies and terms of use, please send an e-mail to ant@seaant.com