Product Engineering

Transforming your ideas into amazing products

Leveraging extensive technology exposure and profound product engineering expertise, we collaborate with you to transform your ideas into market-ready digital products. The SEAANT digital team actively engages in the entire product design and engineering cycle to co-create with you.

You've got a killer idea?

Need a trusted technology partner to build your idea?



Ideas - Shaped. Validated. Realized.

Ideas. Shaped.

Product Ideation & Strategy

Discover the essence of your idea, leveraging market insights and technological advancements to facilitate ideation and conceptualization.

We follow below steps to shape your idea into fully functional product.

  • Market Research
  • Consumer Needs
  • Problem Framing
  • Finding DNA
  • Product Strategy
  • Technology Strategy
  • GoTo Market Strategy

Product owner will get a product blueprint which details out product ideation & strategy and product roadmap to realize their idea into fully functional product.

Ideas. Validated.

Minimal Viable Product (MVP)

Accelerate your market entry with a rapid Minimum Viable Product (MVP) to validate your idea and establish a proof of concept.

We follow below steps to validate your idea by building prototypes and MVPs.

  • Core Issues/Features Identification
  • Assumptions Identification
  • Value/Growth Hypothesis Check
  • Building Mockups/Prototypes
  • User Experience Reviews
  • Building Customer Usable MVP
  • A/B Testing
  • Customer Feedback
  • Finding Values/Wastes
  • Validating Assumptions
  • Validating Business Model

Product owner will get a prototype and MVP to validate the idea with potential customers.

Ideas. Realized.

Product Design & Development

SEAANT enables the creation of highly scalable and cost-effective products through the utilization of the right technologies and an expert team.

We follow below steps to realize your idea into fully functional product.

  • Experience Assessment
  • Experience Planning
  • Experience Design
  • Technology Architecture
  • Robust/Scalable Architecture
  • Enabling CI/CD Pipeline
  • Digital Product Design
  • Digital Product Development
  • Digital Product Testing
  • Enabling Base Product to EA
  • Enabling Sales Ready Product to GA
  • Identify New Product Features
  • Building New Product Iterations
  • Scale Ideas/Products

Product owner will get a base and sales-ready product to run pilots with potential alpha/beta customers.

(Design. Lean. Agile.) Approach

3 stage product engineering approach to build a simple usable efficient (USE) product

Our product innovation pipeline's function is to find a synthesis between the vision and what customers would accept, systematically figuring out the right things to build in the uncertain (startup) environments and deliver value to end-customers.

Explore the problem and find the right solution for the problem using Design Thinking approach. Check Value/Growth Hypothesis, Validate Assumptions by building a polished mockups/click-through prototype and do a quick validation of the idea with potential customers.

Identify the core issues and assumptions of the problem and build a potential customer usable minimal-viable-product (MVP) using Lean Thinking approach. Validate the idea and find values/wastes of the product features by running a pilot-run with potential customers using MVP.

Prioritize backlog all the features, design the robust/scalable cloud native/cloud agonistic architecture using right technology stack and build base product to do earlyaccess-pilot-runs with alpha/beta customers and sales-ready product for market using Agile Thinking approach

Product engineering journey starts from an idea and will go through multiple loop steps to reach its final goal - A simple usable efficient (USE) product.

Checkout our product build pipeline and product release cycles

Product Build Pipeline

(Idea 2 Product) build pipeline to design and deliver robust/scalable solutions

Product build pipeline - Stages and Releases
# Release Description
1 Prototype Polished mockups and clickable prototype to test with potential customers
2 MVP A simple usable efficient product with minimal features to get the feedback and usage behaviors from potential customers. No SLAs/No technical support obligations.
3(EA) BaseProduct Early Access features are limited to a closed group of testers for a limited subset of launches. Participation is by invitation only and may require signing a pre-general-availability agreement, including confidentiality provisions. These features may be unstable, change in backward-incompatible ways, and are not guaranteed to be released. There are no SLAs provided and no technical support obligations. Early Access releases are rare and focus on validating product prototypes.
3(Alpha) BaseProduct Alpha is a limited-availability test before releases are cleared for more widespread use. Our focus with alpha testing is to verify functionality and gather feedback from a limited set of customers. Typically, alpha participation is by invitation and subject to pre-general-availability terms. Alpha releases don't have to be feature complete, no SLAs are provided, However, alphas are generally suitable for use in test environments. The alpha phase usually lasts 3 to 6 months.
3(Beta) BaseProduct At beta, products or features are ready for broader customer testing and use. Betas are often publicly announced. There are no SLAs or technical support obligations in a beta release unless otherwise specified in product terms or the terms of a particular beta program. The average beta phase lasts about 3 to 6 months.
3(GA) SalesReady Product Generally available products and features ("GA", also General Availability) are open to all customers covered by the SLAs, and are ready for production use.

Success Stories

Desired Results Delivered.

50+ deliverables across industries. Clients who build their products with us recently.

Partner with SeaAnt

Transforming your ideas into amazing products


Think Design

Do the right thing. Do the thing right.
